
Download the worksheets here. Please credit the source. Thank you.

  • Frustration Game – Avni’s first workshop at Southend Raspberry pi jam – micro:bit- (get worksheet) – Avni
  • Fitbit – Aaron’s first workshop at Bletchley park – micro:bit- (get worksheet) – Aaron
  • Music with Scratch – At Second Histon brownies – Scratch – (Music_by_code – get worksheet) – Avni
  • Fruit catcher Monkey game – at All London Raspberry pi Jam – Scratch – (get worksheet) – Avni
  • Butterfly – at IET – micro:bit – (get worksheet) – Avni
  • Go here for worksheets and projects that use for my unch time club  (add the link) – Avni

Enjoy coding. We are happy to receive your comments. Don’t forget to give us feedback. The contact form is on the sidebar.