About Avni

Hi, my name’s Avni. I’m really good at singing, art  and coding. I am going to write all about my coding on this website. It all started when my Mum signed me up to go to this Raspberry pi event in Cambridge. Then we met Grace Owolade,  who saw how good I was with coding with raspberry pi.  Then I was selected for  Young Coders Conference(YCC), that was run by Grace and her son, Femi. I thought that was cool and I should go there. The Young Coders Conference is where I learnt how to run a workshop. After running a couple of workshops I started to run my own lunchtime coding club.  Click here to learn about it. I also learnt a lot about micro:bit at the Young Coders’ Conference.  Ever since YCC, I’ve been asked by a number of people to run various micro:bit workshops. I am always developing interestering projects that I might be using in workshops or at my coding club.